4 Concert Tickets
4 VIP Reception Tickets
4 - Weekend VIP Parking Passes
Access to Concert VIP Tent
2 Concert Tickets
2 VIP Reception Tickets
2 - Weekend VIP Parking Passes
Access to Concert VIP Tent
Your donations make this project possible, from the purchase of materials to the means to furnish and accessorize the building. Sponsorship will get your company’s name in front of a captive audience of thousands of people at the festival and will reach tens of thousands all over the state through promotion and media coverage.
The Friends of First Florida Capitol is a 501(c) 3 non-profit. As a sponsor, you not only get the opportunity to market but may also be eligible for a tax deduction. Please consult your tax advisor.
Most importantly, without your support, we would miss this opportunity to celebrate a profound moment in our history. Through the construction of a replica of Florida’s First Capitol and Tallahassee’s Bicentennial Festival, we honor our story and the powerful next chapter we are poised to write.
Learn how you can be part of rebuilding a replica of the original log cabin that served as Florida's first legislative home, through volunteering, donating, educating or celebrating.